Recently I have watched Fish Tank directed by Andrea Arnold and Monster the film based on Aileen Wuornos, a Daytona Beach prostitute who became a serial killer, which was directed by Patty Jenkins .
During a Narrative and Genre lecture we watched the documentary about Aileen and I was interested to see how she was portrayed in the film version. I thought Charlize Theron's portrayal of Aileen was amazing, she looked like her, sounded like her and she had even adopted all of her mannerisms. Watching the documentary and then the film was a bit strange as I already knew all the facts and so I didn't learn anything more about the story but I still think this film was a brilliant adaption of a true story and the way it was shot fit the genre perfectly as it made sense.
Recently we had Rashad Omar come in and give us a lecture on sound. He is a sound recordists and has worked on lots of great films and documentaries, one of the big films he worked on was Fish Tank and so after hearing his lecture I wanted to watch the film to see more of his work. A few of us got it out of the uni library and watched it. We all thought that the way it was shot, the sound and the acting was incredible but we were very disappointed in the lack of story line, we got to the end of the film and realised not much had actually happened.