Friday, 30 September 2011
Direction Unit: Initial Script Feedback
I handed my script into Simon and I agreed with his feedback that the script was too long and would not fit into the 3 minute frame which we have been set in our brief. I will try and cut it down to 3 pages by getting rid of unnecessary dialog and maybe one of the characters. By getting rid of one of the characters it will make my script shorter but it will also make it easier for me when I come to shoot the scene as I will only have to concentrate on directing 3 characters rather than 4. I will also make sure that I am as descriptive as possible when I re-write the script so that my actresses know exactly what is expected of them.
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Narrative and Genre: X Factor Research
From reading through my notes and looking at X Factor I know the genre of the programme is Factual Entertainment and the narrative plot line they use is that of a Quest.
From doing research online I have found a pdf which I think will come in very useful with answering the question I have also found this radio broadcast which I think could be useful I've also got a few books out of the libary which I will read through and pull some references from.
From doing research online I have found a pdf which I think will come in very useful with answering the question I have also found this radio broadcast which I think could be useful I've also got a few books out of the libary which I will read through and pull some references from.
Narrative and Genre: My chosen programme
I have chosen to use X Factor as my programme for the essay as it has developed alot over the years and I feel there is alot I can talk about regarding narrative and genre. I also think that the narrative and genre tools which X Factor uses would defiantly be influenced by online media transmission because so many people choose to watch it online know instead of sitting down at the correct time to watch it on TV.
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Commission Unit: Leaving Home
My idea didn't get commissioned but I have been put in a group with Jane and Lauren. Jane's idea was the one which was commissioned. It is called Leaving Home and focuses on a couple who had to leave their home in South Africa due to the reversal of apartheid. It will show their journey and how the move has changed them as people and how they have coped with starting their lives over again. We will use archived footage and one to one interviews to show the couples point of view remaining objective all of the time to insure their is no racial prejudice.
I haven't worked with Jane and Lauren before and this will be a great opportunity to see if we work well as a team and find out what each others strengths and weaknesses are.
This is our blog for the documentary so we can all share our research easily
I haven't worked with Jane and Lauren before and this will be a great opportunity to see if we work well as a team and find out what each others strengths and weaknesses are.
This is our blog for the documentary so we can all share our research easily
Commission Unit: Final Pitch
To day we had to pitch our ideas to Helen and Simon so that they could then choose which documentaries they thought should get commissioned.
Millennium Road Pitch
The documentary will focus on 4 generations all living on Victoria Hill Road, how they celebrated the entering of the 21st century, did any big events happen to them in the past 10 years, what were their goals and aims for the new century and were they achieved. Victoria Hill Road is named after the Victorians and has a joining road called Stuart Close which was named after the Stuarts who came before the Victorians and this is why Stuart Close leads into Victoria Hill.
The style of the documentary will be interview, archived footage and natural observation footage.
I will unravel all of the 4 individual’s stories in order to show how the noughties have changed them.
The 4 generations will be:
A child who was born in 2000 and is now 11 and starting secondary school. What big events have happened in their life?
Someone who is in their mid to late 20’s now and so was a teenager in the 10 years of the noughties. What kind of teenager they were? Do they think the stereotype of teenagers change? Has a teenager’s role in society changed over the 10 years?
Someone who is 40 now so back in the noughties they were 30 and had children? Were they scared about parenthood? How did they deal with it? Do they think parenting techniques changed over the 10 years? What are their ambitions/ plans for their children’s life? Is there more pressure these days to plan and save for your children’s future extremely early?
Someone who is 70 now and so was in their 60’s back in the noughties and retired. What have they done with their new found free time? How have they coped with the constant change in technology?
My opening and linking sequences will be travelling up the road and entering the different houses and I will use music from the era where necessary. At the end of my documentary all of the generations will get together showing that neighbours still exist and even though they are very different ages and lots of different things have happened to them in the last 10 years they can still all relate and respect each other and be friends.
The unique selling point of this programme is the fact that it focuses on people in the noughties and covers a range of different events instead of just focusing on one event which happened in the noughties.
This idea should be commissioned because it is unique and shows the noughties through the eyes of those who lived it.
Monday, 26 September 2011
Narrative and Genre: Choosing a Programme
With The Swan it is a mixture of 2 genres Voyage and Return and Quest and so I would have alot to talk about with genre.
I have also thought about doing the X Factor as it has changed so much over the years and has become alot more about the narrative then the actual talent.
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Direction Unit: Initial Script
dressed doctor walk through to join SIOBHAN a WELL DRESSED,
WELL GROOMED LAWYER who is sitting at the LARGE dinning table
drinking wine. JESSICA a TRENDY CASUALLY dressed events
planner walks over from pouring drinks, greets Katie and sits
You see married men are a no
brainer their bedroom changed,
their low maintenance and you've
got a ready made excite strategy.
No mess, no fuss. Hi
Except sometimes the wives catch
Well isn't that the whole point?
No the point was to shag him in the
top 3 Parisian bridal suites at our
client's expence.
God I want your life Jess
How can you say that. Harry's the
loveliest man in the world.
Alright I'd only want her sex life.
And your kids.
Ahh. Well at least your in love.
Put together you'd make one
perfectly satisfied individual.
No I'm satisfied with sex.
Jess you don't die if you don't get
your leg over.
Clearly I would have buried you
years ago.
No fighting
Ok. Katie multiple choice sex, love
or kids?
What can I only have one? Ummm.
I think someone asked me out today
Oh yeah
He's a new dad at school and I
think he's just got divorced and we
got chatting at the supermarket and
he said that we should go for a
coffee and I went "errrmmm errrmm"
Hang on a minute he asked you out
for a coffee in Sainsbury's?
No. In Tesco actually and well I'm
not really sure he was asking me
What did he say? Exact words
Do you fancy going for a coffee?
He said fancy?
I think so
If he said that he was asking you
Oh no maybe he said won't
Well that's different. That's more
tricky to interpret.
Stands up and takes an empty bottle of wine and puts it on
the side.
You see this is exactly why I
switched from English to modern
Sorry do we want to talk about your
sex life some more?
Come on women think. We've been
waiting 6 years for this. Want? Or
Jessica picks up a letter, with a cheque for £2,000,000
attached to it,from the side and reads it. Then looks at
He was asking you out
Walks back to the table and shows Trudy the letter she has
Trud. When did this come?
Siobhan takes the letter and reads it
It came this morning
So you've scored a million and
pulled on the same day
Siobhan passes the letter to Katie. She studies it for a
Trudy sees Jessica and Siobhan out of the door.
See ya Trude
Katie is standing up still looking at the cheque. Trudy is
clearing the table.
Why haven't you paid it in yet?
Guilt. I know everything is
screaming at me to move on the
girls are both at school finally
settled for money and someone's
even asked me out after 6 years. I
mean someone I quite like. I mean
how can I move one? I still don't
know what happened to Paul. I mean
what if he is still out there.
No he's not out there
There's phone calls
Police traced them
But they were from public places
Thousands of people died in the
towers Trudy where else would he be
Well maybe he lost his memory
Then he wouldn't be calling you
from pizza restaurants and cab
firms would he?
You don't understand what it's like
not being able to say goodbye to
him properly ...
... It's been 6 years Trudy let it
go for christ sake. I'm sorry
Katie. Is everything alright?
I've been having an affair
For 2 years he was married. He was
going to leave his wife but he got
ill and he died last week. John's
funeral was this morning.
Oh my god. Why didn't you tell me?
I couldn't. I wanted to loads of
times and oh god I know it sounds
completely mad but I just couldn't
Why not?
Because he was my patient and
because you would have told me to
dressed doctor walk through to join SIOBHAN a WELL DRESSED,
WELL GROOMED LAWYER who is sitting at the LARGE dinning table
drinking wine. JESSICA a TRENDY CASUALLY dressed events
planner walks over from pouring drinks, greets Katie and sits
You see married men are a no
brainer their bedroom changed,
their low maintenance and you've
got a ready made excite strategy.
No mess, no fuss. Hi
Except sometimes the wives catch
Well isn't that the whole point?
No the point was to shag him in the
top 3 Parisian bridal suites at our
client's expence.
God I want your life Jess
How can you say that. Harry's the
loveliest man in the world.
Alright I'd only want her sex life.
And your kids.
Ahh. Well at least your in love.
Put together you'd make one
perfectly satisfied individual.
No I'm satisfied with sex.
Jess you don't die if you don't get
your leg over.
Clearly I would have buried you
years ago.
No fighting
Ok. Katie multiple choice sex, love
or kids?
What can I only have one? Ummm.
I think someone asked me out today
Oh yeah
He's a new dad at school and I
think he's just got divorced and we
got chatting at the supermarket and
he said that we should go for a
coffee and I went "errrmmm errrmm"
Hang on a minute he asked you out
for a coffee in Sainsbury's?
No. In Tesco actually and well I'm
not really sure he was asking me
What did he say? Exact words
Do you fancy going for a coffee?
He said fancy?
I think so
If he said that he was asking you
Oh no maybe he said won't
Well that's different. That's more
tricky to interpret.
Stands up and takes an empty bottle of wine and puts it on
the side.
You see this is exactly why I
switched from English to modern
Sorry do we want to talk about your
sex life some more?
Come on women think. We've been
waiting 6 years for this. Want? Or
Jessica picks up a letter, with a cheque for £2,000,000
attached to it,from the side and reads it. Then looks at
He was asking you out
Walks back to the table and shows Trudy the letter she has
Trud. When did this come?
Siobhan takes the letter and reads it
It came this morning
So you've scored a million and
pulled on the same day
Siobhan passes the letter to Katie. She studies it for a
Trudy sees Jessica and Siobhan out of the door.
See ya Trude
Katie is standing up still looking at the cheque. Trudy is
clearing the table.
Why haven't you paid it in yet?
Guilt. I know everything is
screaming at me to move on the
girls are both at school finally
settled for money and someone's
even asked me out after 6 years. I
mean someone I quite like. I mean
how can I move one? I still don't
know what happened to Paul. I mean
what if he is still out there.
No he's not out there
There's phone calls
Police traced them
But they were from public places
Thousands of people died in the
towers Trudy where else would he be
Well maybe he lost his memory
Then he wouldn't be calling you
from pizza restaurants and cab
firms would he?
You don't understand what it's like
not being able to say goodbye to
him properly ...
... It's been 6 years Trudy let it
go for christ sake. I'm sorry
Katie. Is everything alright?
I've been having an affair
For 2 years he was married. He was
going to leave his wife but he got
ill and he died last week. John's
funeral was this morning.
Oh my god. Why didn't you tell me?
I couldn't. I wanted to loads of
times and oh god I know it sounds
completely mad but I just couldn't
Why not?
Because he was my patient and
because you would have told me to
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Commission: My Draft Pitch
Draft Pitch
Victoria Hill in the Noughties
Millennium Street
Victoria Hill in the Millennium
The Millennium on Victoria Hill
The documentary will focus on 4 generations all living on Victoria Hill Road, how they celebrated the entering of the 21st century, what were their goals and aims for the new century and were they achieved and did any big events happen to them in the past 10 years. The style of the documentary will be interview, archived footage and natural observation footage. There will be a child who was born in 2000 and is now 11 and starting secondary school, someone who is in their mid to late 20’s now and so was a teenager in the 10 years of the noughties, someone who is 40 now so back in the noughties they where 30 and had children and someone who is 70 now and so was in their 60’s back in the noughties and retired. I will unravel all of these 4 individuals’ stories in order to find out how the noughties changed them. My opening and linking sequences will be travelling up the road and entering the different houses. At the end of my documentary all of the generations will get together showing that neighbours still exist and even though they are very different ages and lots of different things have happened to the in the last 10 years they can still all relate and respect each other and be friends.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Direction Unit: Opening Titles
After a long discussion we finally came up with a title and the idea for a title sequence which we all liked and agreed upon. The title we have chosen is "Directors 13" and if you click on this link it will take you to Dan's blog where you can see the final title sequence which he has put together for the group.
Direction Unit: Performance Workshop
To day we had to take it in turns directing performers to create drama in a scene but at the same time we had to think of what camera angles we would be using to capture the drama as well.
Here is what I came up with.
I was pleased with how I directed my performers but I was disappointed with shots that I chose as they were not framed or as close up as I would have wanted but from doing this project i have learnt that I need to concentrate on all aspects of creating drama as with this task I was to busy thinking about my performance.
Here is what I came up with.
I was pleased with how I directed my performers but I was disappointed with shots that I chose as they were not framed or as close up as I would have wanted but from doing this project i have learnt that I need to concentrate on all aspects of creating drama as with this task I was to busy thinking about my performance.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Narrative and Genre: The Story of Narrative
Every drama, documentary, news and reality show have a story to communicate their point.
Christopher Booker argues that all stories can be split into 7 plot lines and all stories are versions of these. They are:
This plot usually concerns a hero with a fatal flaw, which causes a tragic ending.
This is not necessarily laugh-out-loud funny but there is always a happy ending typically of romantic fulfilment. Will usually have a hero, down on their luck and looking for love in some shape or form. There will be a hero and a heroine destined to get together, but dark forces prevent them doing so. Normally there is a guiding light to help them on their way.
Fighting against a seemingly unbeatable foe at its core. Only will the hero prevail if they can overcome this monster.
This plot line follows the archetypal structure of personal development through leaving and then returning. The hero enters a land/place/time that they don't understand and must overcome.
Was always about finding a holy grail. Usually requires the lone hero to have a team or companions with specialist skills. Quite often the object of the quest isn't actually something dramatic - a macguffin.
The riches in question can be literal or metaphorical. Usually there is a hero who goes from rags to riches and a villain who does the opposite. With a coming of age story the rags and riches are maturity and immaturity.
The central character finds a new reason for living and turns their life around. Villain spirals down into evil and then at the last second raises their head and gets pulled out of mire by some redeeming figure.
Christopher Booker argues that all stories can be split into 7 plot lines and all stories are versions of these. They are:
- Tragedy
- Comedy
- Overcoming the monster
- Voyage and the Return
- Quest
- Rags to Riches
- Rebirth
This plot usually concerns a hero with a fatal flaw, which causes a tragic ending.
- Romeo and Juliet
- The Godfather
- Madmen
This is not necessarily laugh-out-loud funny but there is always a happy ending typically of romantic fulfilment. Will usually have a hero, down on their luck and looking for love in some shape or form. There will be a hero and a heroine destined to get together, but dark forces prevent them doing so. Normally there is a guiding light to help them on their way.
- Take Me Out
- Friends
- Scrubs
- Gavin and Stacey
Fighting against a seemingly unbeatable foe at its core. Only will the hero prevail if they can overcome this monster.
- Jaws
- Deal or No Deal
- Doctor Who
- Detective Programmes
This plot line follows the archetypal structure of personal development through leaving and then returning. The hero enters a land/place/time that they don't understand and must overcome.
- Alice in Wonderland
- Wife Swap
- Big
- Freaky Friday
- Undercover Boss
Was always about finding a holy grail. Usually requires the lone hero to have a team or companions with specialist skills. Quite often the object of the quest isn't actually something dramatic - a macguffin.
- Lord of the Rings - the ring
- Pulp Fiction - the suitcase
- Moby Dick
- X Factor
- Total Wipeout
The riches in question can be literal or metaphorical. Usually there is a hero who goes from rags to riches and a villain who does the opposite. With a coming of age story the rags and riches are maturity and immaturity.
- Stand By Me
- Pursuit of Happiness
- Only Fools and Horses
- Weakest Link
- Makeover programmes
The central character finds a new reason for living and turns their life around. Villain spirals down into evil and then at the last second raises their head and gets pulled out of mire by some redeeming figure.
- Eastenders
- Secret Millionaire
- Kitchen Nightmare
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Commission Unit: My Ideas
Today we had tutorials with Helen to see where we were with our commission project and what ideas we had come up with. The 3 ideas I pitched to her were:
For both of them I thought I could base it on a street and visit 3 different houses and talked to a different generation/couples in each household to find out what happened to them in the noughties.
Generations Couples
10 Married
30 Divorced
50 Widowed
or or
Born Married in 2000 and where are they now
- What happened to different generations in the noughties?
- What happened to different couples in the noughties?
- How has reality television changed throughout the noughties? Why is there so many reality dramas around now such as The Hills and The Only Way is Essex?
For both of them I thought I could base it on a street and visit 3 different houses and talked to a different generation/couples in each household to find out what happened to them in the noughties.
Generations Couples
10 Married
30 Divorced
50 Widowed
or or
Born Married in 2000 and where are they now
Commission Unit: What happened in the Noughties
September 11th 2001 – terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centers in New York
2003 the Iraq war began
Earth quakes
Fuel prices went up
The price of the euro went up
Some of the most popular and successful online sites or search engines of the 2000s included:Google, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, eBay, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. Mobile phone convergance - camera, radio, internet, emails, sms, etc
Same sex marriages made legal
Swine flu
Rise in reality drama tv shows – The Only Way is Essex, Laguna Beach, The Hills, etc
Rise in reality competition shows – Strictly Come Dancing, X Factor, The Voice etc
Change in technology
· Computers
· Game consoles
· Mobile phones
· Cars
· Televisions
· Internet
Change in fashion
· Uggs
· Crocs
· Skinny jeans
Initial Ideas
What the noughties involved for different generations?
What happened to different couples in the noughties?
Why programmes like the Hills and Laguna Beach have become so popular?
Why is there so many interactive reality competition shows around now?
Commission Unit: Things to consider when coming up with an idea
When coming up with ideas I will have to think about:
- The time scale we have to shoot and the amount of time we have to fill in the channels schedule - will the idea be interesting and exciting enough for a 10 minute documentary and would you have enough time to shoot it.
- Size and skill of my production team
- Camera and kit accessibility
- Be original - what is the unique selling point of the idea
- Accessibility - are the locations, characters and information you need accessible
- Who is your audience
- What is your budget - can you afford to do your idea
- What are the facts
- What are your commissioning details - what does the channel want
- Locations - where can you film, is it easily accessable, do you need permision
- Branding - what programmes does the channel already show and will your idea fit in with the channels style
- Legal Constraints - can you actually film your idea
- Treatment/ style of your idea - how are you going to film your idea
Commission Unit: Yesterday Research
I have began researching the UKTV History channel Yesterday so that I can get an understanding the branding of the channel and the kind of documentaries are shown on it so that I can begin to think of an idea for a 10 minute documentary which will fit into 7:30 slot on this channel.
The channel has a mixture of factorial documentaries such as The Beatles: From Liverpool to San Francisco and Hitler's Bodyguard and programmes originally shown on terrestrial television for example Top of the Pops 2 and Antiques Roadshow.
I need to try and come up with an idea which fits in with the channels branding.
Monday, 12 September 2011
Direction Unit: I've Changed My Idea
From talking in class about everybodys ideas today I have realised that my initial ideas would turn the drama into a comical parody and that's not what I want to achieve. This project is about taking a drama and directing it in your own way so I need to make sure that I still keep the drama in the scene.I've decided to keep the scene as 4 women and have the scene set around a dinner party.
I have found a scene which I believe represents the whole series well and I have already thought of many ways I can turn the scene into my own by directing it differently but keeping the drama at the forefront.
This is the whole episode I couldn't find a clip and downloading it and editing it to the scene I wanted myself was proving difficult. The scene I am concentrating on is at 11mins to 15:19mins which I know is more then our briefed 3 minutes so I'm going to have to figure out a way of cutting it down so it still flows but still portrays the series and still contains lots of drama.
I have found a scene which I believe represents the whole series well and I have already thought of many ways I can turn the scene into my own by directing it differently but keeping the drama at the forefront.
This is the whole episode I couldn't find a clip and downloading it and editing it to the scene I wanted myself was proving difficult. The scene I am concentrating on is at 11mins to 15:19mins which I know is more then our briefed 3 minutes so I'm going to have to figure out a way of cutting it down so it still flows but still portrays the series and still contains lots of drama.
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Commision Unit: What's Involved
One of our other units for this term is the Commission Unit for this we will each have to come up with an original idea for a 10 minute documentary which could be shown on the UKTV channel Yesterday at 7:30pm. We will each have to pitch our own ideas and then 4 will be selected and we will have to work as a team to create the documentary.
What goes into a documentary:
What goes into a documentary:
- Strong main characters
- Narrator
- Archive footage
- Facts and figures
- Pictures
- Experts
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Direction Unit: Mistresses Research
Today I began researching Mistresses more in depth and here's what I found:
Tag line: Drama series about four female friends' marital and extramarital relationships.
The 4 main characters are all very different and have very different careers but are all linked by their strong friendship but also by adultery and a web of lies.
Tag line: Drama series about four female friends' marital and extramarital relationships.
3 series were produced with 6 weekly episodes each year between 2008 and 2010
Each episode was 60 minutes long
The show was broadcasted on BBC One and BBC HD
The series was mostly filmed in Bristol
It was created by SJ Clarkson and Lowri Glain
It was written by Rachel Pole, Richard Warlow, Harriet Braun and Catrin Clarke
It was directed by – SJ Clarkson, Philip John and Peter Hoar
It has now been broadcasted in 15 other countries
The 4 main characters are all very different and have very different careers but are all linked by their strong friendship but also by adultery and a web of lies.
The 4 Main Characters
Katie Roden – Doctor
Siobhan Dhillon – Mum and Lawyer
Trudi Malloy – Mum and Baker
Jessica Fraser – Events Organiser
Each of the characters have a few affairs throughout the series and they all fall out at some point but their friendship is too strong and important to stay apart for too long.
Narrative and Genre: The Genre of Telling a Story
The Different Genres
- Action
- Adventure
- Detective
- Fantasy
- Film Noir
- Horror
- Musical
- Romantic Comedy
- Sci-Fi
- Thriller
- Western
The rules of the different genres are there to be followed because history and experience say they work.
Narrative and Genre: What's Involved
For this unit we will have to pick a television production and write a 2500 word essay identifying and examing the use of genre and narrative tools and how online or portable media transmission would affect these tools.
Theres so many programmes to choose from, I could either use a fictional show such as The Office or Eastenders or a factual programme such as Superfat vs SuperSkinny or Extreme Makeover, I could also use Mistresses the same programme I am using for my Direction Unit as this will link the 2 units and I will be able to use the same research for both. I will have a think and decide what programme I think I will be able to get the most out of in terms of understanding the narrative and genre and then be able to put that knowledge in to a 2500 word essay.
Theres so many programmes to choose from, I could either use a fictional show such as The Office or Eastenders or a factual programme such as Superfat vs SuperSkinny or Extreme Makeover, I could also use Mistresses the same programme I am using for my Direction Unit as this will link the 2 units and I will be able to use the same research for both. I will have a think and decide what programme I think I will be able to get the most out of in terms of understanding the narrative and genre and then be able to put that knowledge in to a 2500 word essay.
Monday, 5 September 2011
Direction Unit: Lighting Workshop
Today we had a workshop on lighting. We learnt how to light a scene properly to create a certain mood and help tell the story. We had to get into groups and practice with the lights to light a natural, expressive and experimental portrait as well as lighting a hero and a villain.
This is what we came up with.
This is what we came up with.
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Direction Unit: Director workshop
Today we had a workshop on directing a crew. We had to get into groups and take it in turns to direct each other, we were all given the same scene which we had to film in our own style. The scene was:
Two strangers meet at what is a clearly pre-arranged time and place. After a brief acknowledgement of each other, a written message is quietly passed from person A to person. Person A then walks away, leaving person B to discover the contents of the message.
I decided to make the story very simple and try and use a variety of shots to tell the story.
Two strangers meet at what is a clearly pre-arranged time and place. After a brief acknowledgement of each other, a written message is quietly passed from person A to person. Person A then walks away, leaving person B to discover the contents of the message.
I decided to make the story very simple and try and use a variety of shots to tell the story.
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