Today we had a lecture on Charles Dickens as all of his novels have been adapted in one way or another. We watched Great Expectations the 1946 version and part of the 2011 BBC drama to see how the 2 compared. I found this really interesting and it made me start thinking of book adaptation I could use in my essay.
We also had a workshop today where we had to choose a classic text and adapt it some how so it was different to the original story. We then had to pitch these ideas to the class.

I worked with Abbi and we decided to use the classic novel "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck as we both knew the story really well as we had studied it at GCSE. We decided to change the ending as we wanted to change the moral of the story. We decided that we didn't want George to shoot Lennie in the final scene as we thought that this was an unrealistic ending. We decided that instead George would help Lennie run away reminding him of their "American dream" and that they would meet again one day. Lennie would run away and George would have to deal with the consequences of Lennie's actions and when everyone on the ranch finds out that he let Lennie run away this would climax in George being shot by Curley for betraying him. We thought that this would be a good alternative ending as it meant that George was taking responsibility for Lennie's actions and therefore sticking up for his friend who is not able to cope with his actions himself.
We decided this would be good as a drama on BBC and we decided it would be worthy of adaptation as it is a story about friendship rather than love and shows peoples dreams of a better life and we thought this would be relatable to the audience.
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